Hey there! My name is Jessi and I am a senior here at CMU who is studying BCA (broadcast and cinematic arts) with a minor in electronic media sales. I became the Business Grants director for the station in September, and I love being able to make new connections for WMHW throughout the community.
A little bit more of a backstory: I was born and raised in mid-Michigan, and have been a film and pop culture nerd for as long as I can remember. I am also a foodie who goes crazy over any kind of macaroni and cheese. After attending CMU and taking marketing and sales courses, I discovered my passion for the sales industry. I love the process of meeting with clients and guiding them towards the right underwriting opportunites that work best with their businesses.
Working at WMHW in the Business Grants department is a great way to expand your knowledge in the sales industry, as well as making great connections which can last a lifetime.
If you are interested in joining the Business Grants team at WMHW (and making lots of new friends!) email me at: opper1jn@cmich.edu